Daily Reflection Podcast
Daily Reflection Podcast
February 28th - What? No President? - Rich M. (Philadelphia, PA)
Rich speaks with authority about his experience with the service structure of A.A and also shares about the important ways even those with little time can get into service by helping to carry the message at meetings. During this interview Rich mentions SEPIA, which is the Southeastern Pennsylvania Intergroup Association of AA. There are approximately 757 Inter-Groups or Central Offices registered with A.A.’s General Service Office; 514 are located in the United States and Canada. If you're interested in getting into service as part of an Area Integroup, reach out at your home group and talk to your General Service Representative (GSR).
When told that our Society has no president having authority to govern it, no treasurer who can compel the payment of any dues, . . . our friends gasp and exclaim, "This simply can't be. . . ."
When I finally made my way to A.A., I could not believe that there was no treasurer to "compel the payment of dues." I could not imagine an organization that didn't require monetary contributions in return for a service. It was my first and, thus far, only experience with getting "something for nothing." Because I did not feel used or conned by those in A.A., I was able to approach the program free from bias and with an open mind. They wanted nothing from me. What could I lose? I thank God for the wisdom of the early founders who knew so well the alcoholic's disdain for being manipulated.
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If you’re struggling with alcohol or addiction, or wondering how to stop drinking it’s helpful to know that there’s a solution that has worked for millions of people. The Daily Reflection Podcast provides hope, and inspiration through the shared experiences of people that have found a way out.