Daily Reflection Podcast
The Daily Reflection Podcast delivers hope, and inspiration through interviews with members of the recovery community through the lens of the Daily Reflection book. Each day, we ask a person in recovery to read the Daily Reflection for the day, and share how this relates to their program of recovery. The result is that we learn through their experience how they manage to get and stay sober. We are not affiliated with Alcoholics Anonymous or any recovery program.
Podcasting since 2020 • 387 episodes
Daily Reflection Podcast
Latest Episodes
March 9th - Surrendering Self-Will - Jean L. (Gramby, MA)
Unable to stay sober for many years, Jean shares a powerful story that includes multiple relapses, and a final surrender of self-will to the program of Alcoholics Anonymous.Surrendering Self-WillMade a decision to turn our will a...
March 18, 2023
Season 3
Episode 108
February 28th - What? No President? - Rich M. (Philadelphia, PA)
Rich speaks with authority about his experience with the service structure of A.A and also shares about the important ways even those with little time can get into service by helping to carry the message at meetings. During this interview Rich ...
February 28, 2023
Season 3
Episode 107
February 26th - No Ordinary Success Story - Tony F. (New York, NY)
Tony identifies as an atheist. His deep knowledge of the faith traditions and love for the program of recovery makes for an incredible discussion of today’s reflection… his is truly no ordinary success story. NO ORDINARY SUCCESS ST...
February 26, 2023
Season 3
Episode 106
February 2 - Rescued by Surrendering - Joe W. (Ashburn, VA)
Joe found the program but didn't get a sponsor. He thought he had it all figured out until he realized the only true victory is through surrender. He decided to take some suggestions like getting a sponsor, working the steps and today, he's liv...
February 02, 2023
Season 3
Episode 105
February 1 - Goal: Sanity - Yuchen C. (Phila., PA)
Yuchen was born and raised in China and immigrated to the United States when she was fourteen. She remembers having trouble with the language and feeling very different from her classmates. She solved the challenges of being different using dru...
January 31, 2023
Season 3
Episode 105